Friday, November 22, 2013


I have a confession.  I'm not much of a newspaper reader, but my husband reads the Wall Street Journal from cover to cover daily and he is always clipping articles for me to read.  Most of the time, I politely read them and say, "uh, huh.  Cool."  But one day he clipped a great article about a Texas-bred, Brooklyn based artist named Dana Tanamachi who was making a name for herself with her art.  Her medium?  Chalk.  Nowadays, she's kind of a big deal and she has ushered in a wave of corporate branding using her large chalk lettering installations for national marketing campaigns.  Ace Hotel, Ralph Lauren and O Magazine are a few of her clients.

I can't help but think that she has played a role in the current trend of incorporating chalkboards in interior design.  Following are some of my favorite examples of design using chalkboard art.

The pictures below are of chalkboard merchandise we have in the store...
Nothing like being able to express yourself any time, then erase it when you like.

Wine barrel stave chalkboards

slate bottle tags with chalk (we have lots of versions of tags and place settings)

table top tablet

Message board

I have to give props to Dianne for all the beautiful lettering she did on the featured pieces.

Also, if you want to see more of Dana Tanamachi's art, here is the link to her website:  The time lapse videos are amazing!

Post written by Lisa, owner of Vignette