Thursday, December 20, 2012


Can I tell you what one of my biggest fears is?  It's that someday book publishers will stop publishing books.  I mean, who could blame them?  Ipads, tablets and E-readers are pretty cool.  But I love books.  In fact, my husband and I have so many books that I have begun to just stack them on the floor.   Some of my stacks have even turned into tables.

When I've finished reading a paperback book, I can't bear to donate or recycle it.  I turn it into altered art or I use the pages as backgrounds for paintings.  Sometimes I rip out pages and put them in cloches or I rip off the covers and tie several books in a stack and use them as decoration.

I'm not nearly as hard on my design books. I constantly flip through them for inspiration. I stick post it notes to the best pages. I take pictures of the pictures and text them to friends who need inspiration.  Most design books really are works of art.  The photos are beautiful, the design elements inspiring and the heft!  Design books make the best coffee table books.  Who wants an E-reader sitting on their table?  There's no art in that.

We are stocking some of the best books right now. Here are some of my favorites:

Think "salty and sweet" only applied to design

Your home as your sanctuary
Inspiration and aspiration
Great style and a very nice lady
Iconic design and style
Check out these gorgeous coffee table books...

Beautiful portraits of the equine sort

Unbelievable Birds and amazing photography

Our books are always 15% off the publishers list price, so stock up!

Post written by Lisa, owner of Vignette